The City of Berlin

Berlin is exciting, eclectic and trendy. It’s New York City wrapped in foil with a chocolate truffle inside.
After nearly going broke in Norway, Berlin was a gastronomic mecca with plenty to offer at prices we could actually afford.

The diversity of its population transcends to the variety of restaurants and fast food places to satisfy anyones palate. We found the prices in Berlin to be comparable to those back home. The exchange rate, although not in our favor, did not have any major impact on our selection of food. We were driven by sight and smell. It was such a pleasure and lots of fun.

Rubenesque In Berlin

We have arrived at our Airbnb in Berlin. The place is wonderful. It has one small caveat that im not sure how to approach.

Realizing, that in Europe people are less inhibited than back home, which I love and admire, how do I handle this bathroom dilemma?  Do I allow the viewers the pleasure of setting their eyes on my Rubenesque body? “The Goddess of Rotunda Showering”.  What to do with the toilet situation? Cover my face? I’ve always wanted to moon someone. This might be my only chance. Decisions decisions what should I do, oh well tomorrow is another day.